The Problem

Centricity Music has a dynamic artist roster who turn out incredible, chart-topping music. However, some of their artists don’t have the time or the passion to create consistent content for social media, which is one of the key components behind an artist’s relationship with their fans. Weeks or months would go by without engaging content, and the metrics suffered. In addition to social media, Centricity also needed assets created that could be used for artist’s websites, tours, and press. 

The Solution

Fifo strategized a way to take the heavy lift of content creation off of the artists plate while helping the artist’s stay true to their authentic voice. Coordinating with the marketing team at Centricity, Fifo crafted specific Content Playbooks for each artist that focused on capturing a variety of assets for use on social media, websites, tours, and press. 

The Results

Through partnering with Fifo, Centricity got more content and gave time and focus back to their internal team and their artists to focus on the things they’re most passionate about. The growth and engagement metrics on social media soared, and what used to be a point of contention instead became a highlight. 


Unspoken’s Facebook

New Likes up 220%

Unspoken’s Facebook

Organic Reach up 26.5%

Unspoken’s Facebook

Total Likes up 14.2%


Jordan Feliz Instagram

94% Growth in Impressions

Jordan Feliz Instagram

147% Growth of New Followers

Jordan Feliz Instagram

105% Increase in Reach


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